About Me

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Happy and easy-going, I'm a glass 1/2 full kind of girl. I have ADD when it comes to hobbies and interests. At the moment I'm very much into Beachbum Berry's cocktail books. As you can see from the one of the blogs, I'm going through his entire collection...one drink at a time. I'm also keeping another blog of my crazy dreams.

Jun 2, 2010

Singapore Sling

This drink is pretty strong. According to the Grog Log it’s an early 1900’s drink originating from the Raffles Hotel in Singapore. The word “sling” may have originated from the German word “schligen” which means to swallow.
This drink is kind of mauve-ish brown in color. It doesn’t contain any rum, rather it is more gin and brandy based.

My boyfriend thought it was too "too ginny", "too try" and "too harsh." It’s not something that he considers “poundable”. A drink he would order to satisfy his curiosity, but woudn’t order to drink again.

I on the other hand, don’t mind a dry drink. I used to be addicted to these in the early 80’s. Back then, I used to prefer a strong dry drink. I guess that’s why I would make this drink again. I’ve noticed that modern recipes add pineapple juice and grenadine to give it a sweeter taste, thus smoothing out the taste. This drink got a 3 from my boyfriend and a 5 from yours truly.

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