About Me

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Happy and easy-going, I'm a glass 1/2 full kind of girl. I have ADD when it comes to hobbies and interests. At the moment I'm very much into Beachbum Berry's cocktail books. As you can see from the one of the blogs, I'm going through his entire collection...one drink at a time. I'm also keeping another blog of my crazy dreams.

Jun 17, 2010

Rum Runner

It was a hot day in the Valley, so I searched the Grog Log for a blended drink. The Rum Runner seemed to fit the bill. I noticed that it called for Bacardi 151 as its main spirit. Having an aversion to Bacardi, silly me, I decided to substitute Lemon Hart 151. In retrospect, it wasn’t the best substitution. I should have just stuck with the original recipe and used Bacardi, but I was being stubborn.

The color was kind of a golden light brown. No doubt the Lemon Hart drastically changed the look and taste of this drink. The initial sip yielded a reaction of “tastes bubble-gum.” Needless to say, we both drank about 1/4 of the drink and set it aside. Damn shame, what a waste of Lemon Hart.

My alcohol substitution was not well throught out. I think I was just excited that I have 4 new bottles of Lemon Hart 151. Since the ugly rumors of that started two years ago, that Lemon Hart was no longer going to be available have come true, I had Lemon Hart on my brain.

Spirit’s Used

Blackberry Brandy
Banana Liqueur
Lemon Hart 151

I plan on remaking this drink with Bacardi. I also plan on making this drink in a blended and non-blended version for comparison. I recall making this drink in the past, with a light rum, and if memory serves I thought it tasted somewhat like a Lifesaver.

This drink goes back into the “re-do” pile. And btw, if you are doubling the recipe, which I did, it really puts your 7th grade math skills to work. Had to add fractions, ugh! Numerators, Denominators.....suck.

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